On this webage you can find PDF files of, or hyperlinks to, many of the key European documents referred to in the text of The Penguin Companion to European Union.
- Key Reports
Please find below PDF files of the texts of a number of key reports, often by outside experts, commissioned by the EU institutions:
Spaak Report on the Common Market, 1956: Spaak Report 1956
Werner Report on Economic and Monetary Union, 1970: Werner Report 1970 – interim text
Vedel Report on the powers of the European Parliament, 1972: Vedel Report 1972
Tindemans Report on European Union, 1976: Tindemans Report on EU 1976
‘Three Wise Men’ Report on European institutions, 1979: ‘Three Wise Men’ Report 1979
Spierenburg Report on reform of the European Commission, 1979: Spirenburg Report 1979
Albert-Ball Report on the European economy, 1983: Albert-Ball Report 1983
Padoa-Schioppa Report on the European economy, 1987: Padoa-Schioppa Report – first part – 1987
Cecchini Report on the European single market, 1988: Cecchini Report – Summary – April 1988
Delors Report on Economic and Monetary Union, 1989: Delors Report on EMU 1989
Sapir Report on the European economy, 2003: Sapir Report
Monti Report on the European single market, 2010: Monti Report 2010
- EU Treaties in force
Complete list of all EU and associated treaties adopted in historical order: http://www.lexnet.dk/law/subjects/treaties.htm
Consolidated EU Treaties post-Lisbon: Consolidated EU Treaties
- Unadopted Treaties
Please find below the PDF versions of, or hyperlinks to, the texts of treaties that were either never adopted or never ratified by the EC or EU member states:
First Fouchet Plan, November 1961: First Fouchet Plan – 2 November 1961 or http://www.cvce.eu/obj/draft_treaty_fouchet_plan_i_2_november_1961-en-485fa02e-f21e-4e4d-9665-92f0820a0c22.html
Second Fouchet Plan, January 1962: http://www.cvce.eu/viewer/-/content/c9930f55-7d69-4edc-8961-4f12cf7d7a5b/en
Draft Treaty establishing the European Union – ‘Spinelli Report’ – February 1984: DTEU – Spinelli
European Constitution – initial version (Draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe), produced by the Convention on the Future of Europe, July 2003: Draft Treaty Constitution for Europe – July 2003
European Constitution – final version (Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe), as amended by the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) in June 2004 and signed by 25 member states in October 2004: Treaty Constitution for Europe – October 2004
- Useful compendia of texts in EU political history
Towards Political Union – a selection of texts produced by the European Parliament secretariat in 1964: